Exclusive Z Os Adcd 1.13 - 13 X
Exclusive Z Os Adcd 1.13 - 13 2
ICH408I USER(OMVSUS2 ) GROUP(SYS1 ) NAME(####################)
2 things spring to mind immediately:
1. Why is the mount via ishell looking for this ZFS on the wrong volume?
2. OMVS address space is started with userid OMVSUS1 (which is trusted and is set as superuser in bpxprm). Why is this mount command using OMVSUS2? (Of course, OMVSUS2 is NOT trusted, so there would be a RACF error.)
I just copied the data set(s) via adrdssu/terse/ftp/unterse/adrdssu from another ADCD z/OS 1.13 system, where the thing also resided on an SMS-managed volume. The RACF setup on both systems should be identical. Switching *this* system to SMS is fairly recent, and as far as allocations go, everything is located where I want it to be located. The 'old' system obviously has a differing SMS setup.
I have allocated (via ishell) ZFS SYS1.TESTZFS and put it on non-sms-managed volume USER00. When I try to mount *that*, I get
RC = 00000008, RS = 00000008, DIAG = 0000000000000000
IOEZ00048I Detaching aggregate SYS1.TESTZFS
RC8 rsn8 for IGWASMS is described as
An invalid dsname of blanks or invalid share_attr_array_length was specified. Correct the argument and retry the request.
Which also deosn't really tell me anything. No new ptfs in this area found, either.
Does anyone have an idea what I did wrong? Or how to get OMVS to look in the right place for the ZFS?
Thanks in advance, Barbara
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Exclusive Z Os Adcd 1.13 - 13 -
Having added several volumes to various pre-z/OS 2.1 release of the ADCD without hitting the problem you have mentioned it might be worth posting you devmap entry from what would logically be zos21.prof (z/OS 1.13 has zos113s.prof which is how I derived the name.) It may be something in here which is inhibiting initial online status. ADCD z/OS 1.13 Summer 2012 The following items have been added to the distributed DVD packet. A PDF document 'Readme - ADCD zOS R13 Summer.pdf' is available on the DVD#1 and also at the download site, which has more information about this edition. It also provides some additional notes and tips to effectively manage the ADCD system. This level was carried forward to the z/OS V1R4 z990 Exploitation Support feature and then to z/OS V1R5 and later. OSA/SF became exclusive with the introduction of the z/OS V1R4 z990 Compatibility Support feature. RMF™ z/OS V2R1: Type: optional feature, exclusive, priced, can be dynamically enabled. Z/OS does have more controls that help to limit what someone can do, but that only works IF the controls are in place and IF we, as system programmers, have not installed something that is a backdoor (or found that someone had previously done that), that can be used for nefarious purposes.
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